Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Zebra Dove - Geopelia striata

Click to enlarge

Zebra Dove - Geopelia striata
© NF Photo 130813, Honolulu
About Zebra Dove on Explore Bio diversity
A snippet:
This bird is native to Asia and introduced in 1922. It quickly becomes accustomed to humans and will take food from your hand if you offer.

That was true enough. They were everywhere. Especially when there was food around.

Wild Bird Wednesday
Label: , , , , , , , ,


  1. Flotte duer, veldig eksotiske disse?

  2. What a pretty dove! Lovely photos. Enjoy the rest of your week!

  3. They are a nice little dove. I shot some on Hawaii a couple of years ago.

  4. I especially like the second photo with the wing spread.

  5. Nice images. In the first one I can see why they are called Zebra Doves.Cheers.

  6. Very pretty looking bird. Not one I have seen, but I think Doves (and Pigeons) are often overlooked.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Hello NatureFootsteps,
    I'd seen photos of the Zebra Dove and with being introduced to Honolulu elsewhere, and that they are doing very well in their introduced environment.
    Seeing them again here reminded me how I was quite stunned the first time because they live naturally in Australia, but are called Peaceful Doves. So I checked my notes this time, and yes they are the same bird - Geopelia striata.
    The main difference I can see between the ones introduced to Honolulu and the ones visiting my backyard in South East Queensland is the 'zebra' markings are not as distinctive. The ones I've seen in my part of Australia also show a little more of the pale blue.
    I checked my notes again, and though they naturally occur in the areas north west, north and eastern mainland parts of Australia, they are also found in part of South East Asia like you mention.
    How thoroughly interesting. Same bird, two different names.
    They are quite tiny in my area but have big voices.
    I find them irresistibly beautiful.

    Visiting from Today's Flowers NatureFootsteps. Love your images chosen to introduce the week's sharing,
    I very much enjoy this aspect of your Blogs. I thoroughly enjoy discovering about birds around the world.
    Thank you
    PS.. Sorry about the delete, realised I hadn't clicked being notified if you replied so re-did it with a copy and paste and clicked being notified.

  9. PPS.. I went out into my yard after my input NatureFootstep, and there were the Peaceful/Zebra Doves. They really are beautiful. So glad I don't need to go to Honolulu or South East Asia to enjoy their company. I feel privileged they visit my yard everyday of the year.


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